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Stolačka 8,  +381 11 2652-385, +381 69 2652-385,   +381 11 2653-156


The spark plugs need to be replaced between 15,000 and 20,000 kilometers. One of the indicators of spark plug malfunction or wear is difficult ignition, restless or intermittent engine operation.

Razvodna Kapa
Razvodnja Kapa

The same symptoms can be given by faulty high-voltage cables, coils and on older generations of motors, faulty or burnt platinum, switch arm as well as faulty distributor cap.

Explanations of the manifestation of failures and their causes are briefly given here. For everything that is not stated or explained, contact us and we will be happy to try to meet you.

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 Stolačka 8, 011/2652-385, 069/2652-385069/2682-357 011/2653-156

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